What to expect if you have cause to complain
If you wish to make a complaint about the services of YesCanDo Money (Roberts Financial Services) you can complain by phone, email or in writing via the contact details below.
- By phone - 02392 373235
- By email - [email protected]
- By post - YesCanDo Money, Langstone Gate, Solent Road, Havant, PO9 1TR
- If you phone we will gather any relevant information and contact details from you and pass this information across to a complaint handler who will acknowledge the complaint within 2 working days.
- If you email or write to us we will respond to you within 2 working days of receipt.
- By close of business day 2 - If your complaint has been resolved then a final response will be sent to you. If your complaint is unresolved then a holding email will be sent explaining that this is still being investigated and a further update/resolution will be sent by close of business day 5
- By close of business day 5 - If your complaint has been resolved then a final response will be sent. If the complaint is unresolved then a holding email will be sent explaining that this is still being investigated
- 2 weeks after initial complaint - If your complaint has been resolved then a final response will be sent. If the complaint is unresolved then a holding email will be sent explaining that this is still being investigated
- 4 weeks after initial complaint - If your complaint has been resolved then a final response will be sen. If the complaint is unresolved then a holding email will be sent explaining that this is still being investigated
- 8 weeks after initial complaint - If your complaint has been resolved then a final response will be sen. If the complaint is unresolved then a holding email will be sent explaining that this is still being investigated. At this point a link will also be provided to you for the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are unsatisfied.