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Mortgage Calculators UK

Calculating your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is an important step in understanding your financial health and determining your eligibility for a mortgage in the UK. Use our selection of mortgage calculators, including a debt-to-income ratio calculator, to help make a calculated decision on your financial goals regarding your property.

Debt To Income Ratio Calculator

To calculate your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), follow these steps:

  1. Calculate Monthly Debt Payments: Sum up all your monthly debt payments. Include credit card minimum payments, personal loans, car loans, student loans, and any other unpaid debts. Remember to use only the minimum payment amounts required for each debt.

  2. Determine Gross Monthly Income: Calculate your total gross monthly income, which is all your earnings before any deductions like taxes. This includes wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, and any other regular income sources.

  3. Calculate DTI Ratio: Once you have your total monthly debt repayments and gross monthly income, divide your total debt by your gross income to get a decimal number. Multiply this number by 100 to convert it into a percentage, giving you your DTI ratio.

    • Or Use the Calculator Below: For a simpler and quicker method, use the DTI calculator provided below to automatically compute your ratio.
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    Understanding Debt to Income Ratio

    The Debt to Income (DTI) Ratio is a critical financial measure, especially in the context of mortgage applications. It compares your total recurring monthly debt repayments to your monthly gross income, serving as a key indicator of your financial health. This ratio helps mortgage lenders assess your ability to manage and repay debts. For borrowers, understanding your DTI ratio is vital for making informed financial decisions, as it influences mortgage eligibility and terms. A lower DTI ratio is generally favourable, indicating a healthier balance between debt and income.

    Mortgage Lenders’ Affordability Assessment

    In assessing mortgage applications, mortgage lenders use the Debt to Income (DTI) Ratio to gauge a borrower’s financial stability. This ratio, comparing monthly debt repayments to gross income, helps determine how much debt a borrower can comfortably handle. A lower DTI suggests a better balance between debt and income, influencing the mortgage lender’s decision on loan approval and terms.

    Discover Your Mortgage Eligibility
    Ready to take the next step towards your dream home? Let us calculate your eligibility for a mortgage and determine the amount you can comfortably borrow. Our expert team is here to guide you through every step, ensuring a smooth and informed journey to homeownership.

    What Counts as Debt?

    Understanding what is considered debt is crucial for an accurate DTI calculation.

    Housing Costs

    For your mortgage application, calculate using the monthly repayment of the mortgage you’re considering. Even if you’re currently renting or selling your home, use the expected mortgage payment for your new home. Unsure of this amount? Our mortgage repayment calculator can provide a close estimate, helping you accurately assess this significant part of your financial commitment.

    Credit Card Bills

    When calculating credit card debt, a more accurate approach is to use 1.5 times your monthly minimum payment. This method offers a clearer picture of your commitment to debt reduction, as minimum payments alone may not reflect your actual payment behaviour or the speed at which you’re reducing the principal amount.

    Vehicle Finance

    Include the total monthly payments for any car finance or lease agreements in your DTI calculation. It’s important to note, however, that related expenses such as insurance, road tax, and fuel costs are not included in this calculation. Only the repayment or lease amount itself should be considered as part of your monthly debt obligations.

    Personal Loans

    Add the monthly repayment amounts of any unsecured personal loans you have. These could be loans from banks, credit unions, or other financial institutions. Ensure that you include all such debts, as they play a significant role in your overall financial picture and are critical to the DTI calculation.


    If you regularly use an overdraft facility, include a monthly amount that accounts for the interest and fees incurred, as well as a portion of the overdraft balance. This helps in presenting a more accurate picture of your financial obligations, especially if the overdraft is a consistent part of your financial management. Learn more here: Does having an overdraft affect getting a mortgage?

    Student Loans

    Student loan repayments should be included in your DTI calculation. These are considered long-term recurring monthly debt and can significantly impact your monthly budget. Ensure that you include the actual monthly payment amount, whether it’s a fixed sum or varies based on your income. Learn more here: Does student loan affect mortgage applications?

    Regular Maintenance or Financial Support Payments

    Include any regular financial support payments, such as child support or alimony. If the amount varies from month to month, calculate an average based on recent payments. This ensures that your DTI ratio accurately reflects your ongoing financial responsibilities.

    Debt Management Payments

    If you’re making payments towards a debt management plan, whether it’s a formal arrangement or an informal agreement, include these payments in your DTI calculation. These payments are crucial in understanding your current financial commitments and ability to take on new debt.

    Other Debts

    This category encompasses a variety of other debts, such as repayments to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), benefit overpayments, or informal loans from family or friends. While these may not be traditional loans, they are financial obligations that affect your overall debt burden and should be included in your DTI calculation.

    What Doesn’t Count as Debt?

    When calculating your Debt to Income Ratios, it’s important to understand that not all monthly expenses are classified as debt. Certain expenses are considered part of your daily living costs and do not contribute to your DTI calculation. These include:

    • Regular utility bills (electricity, gas, water)

    • Mobile phone contracts

    • Subscription services (Netflix, Spotify, Amazon Prime)

    • Internet and cable services

    • Food shopping expenses

    • Transportation costs (public transport fares, fuel for personal vehicles)

    • Health insurance premiums

    • Gym memberships

    • Dining out and entertainment expenses

    These non-debt expenses, while essential for your daily life, are not factored into the DTI ratio as they are not considered financial obligations or debts in the traditional sense. Understanding this distinction is crucial for accurately calculating your DTI ratio.

    Your Gross Monthly Income

    Understanding what constitutes your monthly income is crucial in accurately calculating your DTI ratio. This income is the total amount you earn each month before any deductions such as taxes or pension contributions.

    What Qualifies as Income?

    When determining your monthly income for the Debt to Income (DTI) ratio, it’s essential to consider all sources of income. This includes not only your primary salary but also any additional funds you regularly receive. Accurately accounting for all these sources ensures a comprehensive understanding of your financial capacity.


    Include all benefits you receive in your monthly income calculation. This encompasses child benefit, which provides financial support for children, and various tax credits that offer additional income support based on your circumstances. Disability benefits, if applicable, also contribute to your gross income. These benefits are integral to your financial landscape and play a significant role in your DTI ratio.


    For salaried employees, calculate your monthly income by dividing your annual salary by 12. If you’re paid weekly, multiply your weekly wage by 4.3. For daily earners, use a multiplier of 22. This calculation method ensures that your income is accurately represented, whether you receive it weekly, daily, or in another format.

    Incoming Maintenance Payments

    Regular child support received from an ex-partner should also be included in your income calculation. This form of financial support is a key component of your income and must be accounted for in your DTI ratio. It reflects your financial responsibilities and resources accurately.

    Additional Earned Income

    Any supplementary income, such as sales commissions, company bonuses, tips, or earnings from freelance or contract work, should be added to your total income. These additional earnings can significantly impact your overall financial situation and are crucial for a complete assessment of your income for DTI purposes.

    Debt to Income (DTI) Ratio Examples

    Following the “Debt to Income (DTI) Ratio Examples” section, we will explore a few illustrative scenarios to demonstrate how the DTI ratio is calculated in different financial situations. These examples will provide a clearer understanding of how various income sources and debt obligations can impact your overall DTI ratio, offering insight into the evaluation process used by mortgage lenders.

    Example One:

    • Debts: Proposed mortgage £800, Credit Card £160 (1.5x minimum), Car Lease £310, Overdraft £85.

    • Income: Salary £46,000 p.a. (£3,833 monthly), Child Benefit £92.

    • DTI Ratio: 33.5%.

    Example Two:

    • Debts: Mortgage £600, Credit Card £95 (1.5x minimum), Car Loan £190, Overdraft £48, Child Maintenance £245.

    • Income: Salary £29,000 p.a. (£2,416 monthly), Freelance Work £210, Tax Credits £235.

    • DTI Ratio: 42.3%.

    Example Three:

    • Debts: Mortgage £650, Car Loan £145, Personal Loan £60.

    • Income: Self-employed income averaging £4,200 monthly.

    • DTI Ratio: 20.7%.

    How Much Debt is Acceptable for a Mortgage UK?

    In the UK, determining an acceptable level of debt for a mortgage hinges on several factors, including your income, the type of mortgage, and the lender’s criteria. Generally, mortgage lenders prefer a Debt-to-income (DTI) ratio below 40-45%, ensuring that your debt obligations, including the prospective mortgage, do not overwhelm your income. This threshold varies among lenders and is influenced by your credit history and the stability of your income. A lower DTI ratio is often seen as indicative of a borrower’s financial health and repayment capability.

    Acceptable Debt to Income Ratio

    A lower DTI ratio indicates less risk to lenders and opens up a broader range of credit options. Lenders’ views on DTI ratios vary:

    • 100%+ DTI: Extremely high risk, likely rejection.

    • 75%-99% DTI: Very high risk, limited specialist lenders.

    • 50%-74% DTI: High risk, less favourable terms.

    • 40%-49% DTI: Moderate risk, good credit history, and credit report needed.

    • 30%-39% DTI: Acceptable risk, standard terms.

    • 20%-29% DTI: Good borrower, wide approval.

    • 0%-19% DTI: Very low risk, universal approval.

    At YesCanDo Money, we collaborate with a variety of mortgage lenders to accommodate different DTI ratios and individual circumstances.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A good debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is typically below 36%. This indicates a healthy balance between debt and income, making you a more attractive candidate for lenders.

    The ideal DTI ratio is generally below 36%. This ratio is favorable for loan approvals and indicates a healthy financial situation.

    An acceptable DTI ratio for a mortgage is usually below 40-45%. This shows mortgage lenders that you can comfortably manage mortgage monthly payments alongside your existing debts.

    A 50% DTI ratio is considered high. It suggests that half of your income goes towards debt repayment, which may concern mortgage lenders about your ability to handle additional debt.

    Your DTI ratio in the UK is the percentage of your gross monthly income that goes towards paying debts. Calculate it by dividing your total monthly debt payments by your income. Alternatively use you DTI calulator.

    The debt-to-revenue ratio is not a commonly used term in personal finance. Typically, the focus is on the debt-to-income ratio, which compares personal debts to gross income.

    In the UK, a good DTI ratio for a mortgage is typically below 40%. This indicates to lenders that you can manage mortgage repayments effectively without financial strain.

    A 40% DTI ratio means that 40% of your gross monthly income is used to pay debts. It's at the higher end of what lenders consider manageable for loan approvals.

    The amount of mortgage you can get with a £30k salary depends on various factors, including your DTI ratio, credit scores, and the lender's criteria. Generally, mortgage lenders offer mortgages up to 4-5 times your annual income, but this can vary.

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